It’s A Rainy Day

Raining and Pouring!

A Good Day To Workout Inside!

 Good Morning,

    I woke up this morning around 5:37am and it was raining so hard and the wind was blowing hard as well, when I went to the bathroom to turn the light on, well guess what, the lights within the complex and on the street had gone out! I put on my slipper and went downstairs to get my candle by the fireplace so that I could light it. I needed the light so that I could call Entergy to see if the outage had been reported and when I called it had been. Well, usually I eat my breakfast at 7:00am, but when I called Entergy the recording stated that the power would be turned back on between the time I awakened and 10:00pm tonight, but I knew that it would definitely be turned on sooner than later. So as I was sitting on my bed upstairs I heard the air conditioner come on, and I said out loud, thank you God! It was exactly 8:35am when the lights came on and at 9:30am I fixed my breakfast.

Breakfast: One split, toasted english muffin sprinkled with 1/4 cup of shredded cheese(any type). Broil until cheese melts. 1/2 grapefruit sprinkled with 1 teaspoon brown sugar. 1 bottle of water!

My breakfast was delicious and filling, I have so much energy, and now I am going to workout to my music, and I will do this for 30 minutes. I am still trying to be careful so that my knees won’t hurt from the movement, good so far.

Crocheting Mom On A Mission!

Hello everyone!

  How was your day, did everyone workout today or did you just relax all day? Now, we have to remember that we have to be active in order to reach our goals, and one of our main goals is to lose the weight! This is something that we have to work at constantly, now I am not saying that we have to workout everyday, my trainer told me that as long as I workout 3 times a week and eat properly then I will eventually see some results. Today I danced to some of my favorite tunes and I did that for 30 minutes, I don’t want to hurt my knees and remember they are just starting to feel better. Knee pain is horrible and that is something that I can do without, I want to workout smartly! I am on a 1300 calorie meal plan, and I am also on my multivitamins. My breakfast was: One and a fourth cups of bran flakes cereal, topped with one half banana (sliced) and I had one cup of fat-free milk. Lunch was: A spinach salad and a cup of green tea (no sugar), Dinner was: savory asian patty, 2 cups of broccoli florets (steamed) and 1 cup of berries and of course a cup of green tea(no sugar). My meal for today was delicious and very filling.

Now I am getting ready for bed, I know that I should try to go to bed for 10:00pm, but some days it’s rather difficult to do. Most of the time I do get my seven hours of sleep! I want to say goodnight to everyone and may your tomorrow be even better than today!

Reasons Why You Want To Lose Weight!

Work it out ladies!

Getting Sexy!

     We have so many reasons why we want to lose weight and even though we may have legitimate reasons, we still have even more reasons why should we even bother!  But we should stay focused on what we are going to look like and how much better we are going to feel about ourselves once we get this enormous amount of fat off of our bodies! Let me inform you of some of the reasons to take it off and I mean permanently straight to the point!!!

To feel better about myself, To increase my feelings of self worth, To be able to run and jump without worrying, about hurting myself, To look good in a tight dress (RED PREFERABLY), To be able to wear my favorite shorts in the summer without having to worry about them riding up my legs, To be healthier, To be able to go swimming without being self-conscious, To be able to run with my grandchildren, To not have fear going to the doctors, because he’ll make me get on a scale, To be able to wear a bra that actually fits, To also reduce my blood pressure, and this is just to name a few!

The Crocheting Mom On A Mission

Hello everyone, I am on a mission to succeed at losing this horrific weight and I would like all of the women out there, no matter what age you are, to please join me and we can do this together. Everyone has their good days and their bad days, which consist of eating the wrong foods or not eating at all or by not eating properly, which would be eating in small portions at least six meals a day! One of my joys in my life besides my children is to crochet each and every day, it’s comforting, rewarding and very beneficial to me. I get to design baby blankets without using a pattern, all of the designs come from within. I have been on this journey  of losing weight since January 1, 2009 and there were some days I succeeded and then there were days that I fell apart, due to the fact I had no one to give me that push, that shove to help me to stay on track so that I can reach my goal and see the results I so desperately wanted. Ladies Motivation is the key! I am 243lbs and my goal is to reach 135lbs by December 1, 2011, but to be more realistic, by August 31, 2011 I intend to be 150lbs, and I have the abilities and the capabilities to succeed, because I know now that there are other women in the world that are trying to reach their idea weight goals and now we can do it together! Reach out to me and the other people that will read my blog and tell us your stories and what you are doing to succeed at obtaining your ideal weight. We are all here to help each other and we are not here to judge anyone, we will Motivate each other, and praise each other even when someone loses 1 pound. It’s the effort you put forth that actually counts, your desire to accomplish getting off the fat wagon and getting on the healthy wagon, where you are the weight you are working toward, the size that will please you and all of the benefits you will eventually start to enjoy out of life with your family and friends. You are doing this for yourself, not for anyone else, and if you fall, we are here to help you get back up and the next time you will go further than before! Let me hear your voices ladies!!!

Check this out!

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one”.

~Mark Twain~